Safe and Sound Protocol

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a groundbreaking intervention designed to regulate the autonomic nervous system and enhance social engagement. Developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, SSP utilizes specially filtered music to stimulate the vagus nerve, promoting a sense of safety and calmness. At our practice, we offer the Safe and Sound Protocol as part of our comprehensive approach to healing trauma, anxiety, sensory processing challenges, and more.

As a practical application of Polyvagal Theory, the SSP acts as a non-invasive, acoustic vagal nerve stimulator, helping to re-tune the nervous system to better support connection, collaboration, and resilience.

Safe and Sound Program Highlights

  • A five-hour auditory intervention (split into 10 or more listening sessions) developed and patented by Dr. Stephen Porges, author of the Polyvagal Theory
  • Designed to reduce sound sensitivity, and improve auditory processing and behavioral state regulation
  • Activates the client’s social engagement system, helping to accelerate and enhance therapeutic outcomes
  • Supports physiological state regulation, allowing for greater resilience

Polyvagal Theory: the Science of Feeling Safe

Developed by world-renowned researcher and Unyte’s Chief Scientific Advisor, Dr. Stephen Porges, Polyvagal Theory focuses on what is happening in the body and the nervous system, and explains how our sense of safety, danger or life-threat can impact our behavior. Understanding Polyvagal Theory gives us a scientific framework that can be applied through physiological, or “bottom-up” therapies, to help change and improve how we feel, think and connect with others.

How does SSP work?

During an SSP session, clients listen to the carefully curated music tracks through headphones for a predetermined period of time, typically over the course of several sessions. As they listen, the music activates the vagus nerve, eliciting a physiological response that promotes relaxation, social engagement, and emotional regulation. Over time, clients often report improvements in areas such as anxiety, sensory sensitivities, emotional regulation, and overall well-being. SSP

Who can benefit from SSP?

SSP has been shown to be effective for individuals of all ages who may be experiencing difficulties related to trauma, anxiety, sensory processing challenges, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, and more. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic stress, struggling with emotional regulation, or looking to enhance your social connections, SSP may offer a pathway to greater resilience and well-being.

Works with other therapies

It can also be combined with and is supportive of other therapies, including:

  • Neurodevelopmental treatment, such as occupational therapy, play therapy and sensory integration therapy
  • Other forms of mental health and trauma therapies, such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Somatic Experiencing® (SE™), and Internal Family Systems (IFS)
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other forms of talk therapy (e.g. DBT, MCBT, etc.)

Take the first step towards greater calm, connection, and resilience with the Safe and Sound Protocol. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how SSP can support your journey to healing and well-being.